Host-Only Networking with VirtualBox

I’ve been playing around with VirtualBox lately, and it’s pretty nifty. Initially I just used it to set up an Ubuntu machine so I could easily run GnuCash on my MacBook, but lately I’ve decided to start using it at work, too. I’ve got lots of plans: figure out how to use Chef, set up my own Hudson server, get a MongoDB cluster running, etc. I’d like all of these machines to be able to access the internet for downloading packages and the like, and I also want to be able to access them easily from my host machine. [Read More]

The Path to MapReduce with Congomongo

I’ve recently started a Clojure / MongoDB project at work to help us with our proteogenomic annotation work. Naturally, I’m using Congomongo to interact with the database. It’s a great wrapper for the MongoDB Java driver, written in a very nice functional style. Lately I’ve been looking into the map-reduce capabilities of MongoDB and have been trying to figure out how to make it work from Clojure. Looking at the Congomongo API, I came across the server-eval function, which looked like a promising place to start. [Read More]

Easy Clojure API Search with Google Chrome

Do you need an easy way to search Clojure’s API? Do you use Google’s Chrome browser? If so, you’re in luck; it’s incredibly easy to add a custom engine to Chrome to search the API. Here’s how. Setting Up a Custom Search Engine First, open your preferences and hit the “Manage” button down by “Default Search”. That will bring up a Search Engines box. This is how Chrome knows to search, say, Google for whatever you type in the Address Bar (or OmniBox, as it’s also known). [Read More]

Comparing Settings From Different PostgreSQL Databases

I’m in the process of migrating from an older version of PostgreSQL to a newer version. I’d like to see what the differences are between the configuration (${PG_DATA}/postgresql.conf) of both servers. I couldn’t find an easy, ready-made solution, so I hacked up one using plain old SQL, which turns out to be particularly well suited to comparing sets of data :) First, get the settings from the old server. We’ll use psql to execute the SHOW ALL query and pipe the result (stripped of all extraneous formatting) to the file old_settings. [Read More]

Blogging on Github with Jekyll

As per the instructions on the Jekyll install page, gem install jekyll then (since I didn’t have this set already): export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/maier/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin added to my Bash ~/.profile file. Pygments is cool for syntax highlighting. On a Mac with MacPorts, it’s as easy as this: sudo port install python25 py25-pygments Running Jekyll with its standalone server is great for testing your site locally: jekyll --auto --server That’ll run an embedded web server at http://localhost:4000 (by default); anytime you change any of your site files, Jekyll will reprocess them and make them available immediately. [Read More]